Share* Diaspora Extension for Safari

  • diaspora* Extension for Safari


    Share* is a simple extension for sharing websites on your diaspora* pod just click the *-Button.


... is a simple diaspora* extension for Safari.

It allows you to share URLs you visit with a single hit of a small *-Button in Safari's toolbar.

You can also select any text on the website and share that by clicking the button. The Share* will automatically post a message on your diaspora* pod.

Installation & Setup

Download the extension here.

Double-Click on the downloaded file in your Downloads folder.

Safari will open and ask you to trust the developers of the extension. Select "Trust".

Trust The Diaspora Extension.png

Configure your diaspora* pod. Just enter the URL to your pod into the input field "Pod URL". The image below just shows an example make shure you use your own pod's URL.

You can also alter the default message.

Enter Pod URL.png
Installation & Setupless

Download Share*

  • Download now

  • Sources on GitHub